Memories of Preston


Dynamic Duo

“Preston and I were almost always on the same Highlands Ranch Community Association (HRCA) youth basketball teams together. Some of my favorite memories included the chemistry we had as a team - one time I had the ball and was running down the court until two defenders came up on me and I thew it underneath my legs and Preston caught it immediately and scored! We were always in sync and he was the best teammate both on and off the court.”

- Weston Schroeder


My Son

I remember his acceptance and strength after disappointment and frustration.  I remember the way he noticed the little things and was in awe of nature.   His giggles of joy as a silly boy having silly fun with his friends that turned into a deeper laugh as he became a young man.  The promise of the future as he matured and became a little more serious, listening and learning.  And I will always remember the feel of his deep heart-felt hugs, his strong hands, the meaningful vigor of his intentions and the sparkle of determination in his blue eyes. Forever and always, my son, I remember you.

- Mom


Summer Camp

Camp idrahaje was one of the most fun things Preston, Weston and I got to do during the summer, as well as playing tennis and riding our bikes around the ranch. 

- Carson McLeod


My Little Brother

I miss everything about him especially his laugh and smile but i feel his presence everyday

- Lindsey Dumler


Best Buds

I remember Preston teaching me how to do the spongebob dance. We were at jump street playing dodgeball while dancing and laughing our asses off.

- Ryan Clemson


Weekend Warriors

My favorite memory with Preston had to have been going up to Frisco for the weekend with his family. Everything from football to tubing to learning how to juggle. A weekend I will never forget with lots of laughter and fun. 

- Cade Naclerio

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My Son’s Best Friend

My first memory of Preston Dumler was when I met him as we were dropping off our son Weston at Kindergarten at Northridge Elementary.  I can not forget his bright blue eyes, beaming smile and warm personality.  He was very social, happy and engaging.  Even at that age, it was evident that Preston cared for other people.  He darted in and out as he and Weston played and I got to meet his parents Brandon and Leslie.  It was during these moments I had a sense of relief dropping my son off for school.  I knew that Weston had found a friend - I just didn’t know at that time how much Preston, his sister and parents would become such a big part of our lives. Even today, not a day goes by where I don’t think about Preston and his kind, loving nature and passion for others.

-Bret Schroeder



One of my favorite memories of Preston and I was when we saw the movie Zookeeper in the theatres. We were probably in 5th grade and it was the first time I had ever seen a movie without any adults so it was a big deal for me haha. The song at the end of the movie is More than a Feeling and that was always one of his favorite songs so as bad of a movie as zookeeper is it will always remind me of him. 

- Jack Page


Full of Love

I have so many memories of Preston that I hold close to my heart.  From the funny things he would say as a toddler, to the 15 questions per short car ride he would ask as a 3 year old after pondering what he saw out the window from his car seat, to the time he broke out in a full on break dance as a 7 year old during a float parade at Disney World and was called out by the float crew to keep going, to his dedication and leadership in the baseball dugout as he cheered on his teammates.  It’s the little things I remember….how Preston thoroughly savored each bite of ice cream, how his eyes would widen with focus when he was engrossed in a movie, he how became engrossed in a project like when he decided to start a duct tape wallet making business, how he walked in the door and immediately announced himself with a greeting and shouted out a loud “I love you” as he walked out the door.  



Preston was a great kid, he had this way of brightening up the room. I’m so glad he chose Ryan to be his buddy at 3 years old in their preschool class. They played flag football, baseball and ran cross country together. So many years of seeing P grow, we count ourselves lucky to have been a part of his life! But I think my younger son Aidan summed up Preston the best, he said Preston was always nice and included him when he was over. Preston was joyful, playful, and had the bluest eyes and the biggest smile! We cherish those memories.

- Tracy Clemenson

In 8th grade I had drama class with Preston. We had a talent show and I danced and Preston hula hooped while juggling. We got matched to teach one another how to do each of our talents. It was so awesome to see Preston freestyle dance in front of the whole class and getting him to teach me how to hula hoop and juggle.

-Ashliana McIntosh

My memories of Preston was his happy go lucky demeanor! Loved when he came into our house when the boys were hanging out with his bright wonderful smile and would cheerfully say Hello and then headed downstairs to play. I will never forget his smile!

- Kellie Naclerio


When I think of Preston I cannot do it without seeing his bright smile and sparkling eyes. He was a funny, good-hearted, adventurous goof ball. He and my son Weston became instant friends in Kindergarten. Our families became instant friends too. Tennis and basketball were two sports that our boys played together. In basketball they became "The Eston Brothers" as they sensed one another's every move. The way they navigated the court still brings a smile to our faces and boggles our minds...they were so good! What a wonderful friend you were to our son and our family. We miss you Pres but we know you are here with us, love you big guy!!

- Marla Schroeder

Please share your memories of Preston with us, we love hearing the lives he impacted to help carry on his legacy forever.